who doesn't love animals ... especially one with a sense of humor. simon.
my kitties of 14 years ... photo of kramer to follow.
and how about love for some funky art. jacks and tinker toys, etc...come on, who doesn't love them. yes, that is a fish hanging out the back of a metal box on the london double-decker. i say let it rip! what-ever floats your boat. {workshop i took with michael demeng..check him out}
whoops, forgot .... love, laughter and prosperity = the ultimate. doesn't "love" cover it all? and is that a little "sex" in the background? rusted pinback button, found.
my first true love.
was this on a previous blog ... is that a big no no. like wearing the same outfit twice in one week when you were in school .... or in the work place. dang, we sure are judgmental beings ... in the big scheme of things does it really matter. no. how about are they good people, who cares what they wear.
i say, sow and grow. don't you just love it when the seeds start to sprout.
to all of us suz's out there... happy.
hello big fat mess ... welcome to my world. { hopefully not for long}
army men and marbles ... thank god i had older brothers. love them. sorry jim, terry was more about the army men and marbles ... building forts, playing school ... doing his best to make sure everyone was having fun. as much as terry always made fun of me using the word "fun" ... he was all about having fun and a big sense of humor ... i thank my lucky stars i had brothers that balanced each-other, they seemed to be opposites, but in the end, not really. two great men. i lucked out.