Sunday, December 26, 2010

guerilla art - bryan snyder

ok, how fun is this ....    "be kind, leave some behind".   bryan synder, famous local artist, has been creating art, it seems like his whole life and has been taking it public for many years now {i'm just finding out just how creative he is and how much he wants to share it with everyone} the photos above are from a ornament project he does every year, check out his site for more details .  it was a blast, making the ornaments and meeting new people in the community. then going on a treasure hunt through-out carlsbad village finding the little treasures he has placed on trees, buildings, etc.    this seems to me as a form of "guerilla art".  keri smith in her book "the guerilla art kit" says "guerilla art can be anything you want ... an idea, an expression, a movement, an experience, an outlet, A WAY OF CONNECTING, a way of documenting, a challenge, a FORM OF PLAY, a statement, a performance, an attitude, a practice, an improvisation, a ritual.     guerilla art can be used to beautify or recreate a space that is soulless or without character and bring it new life. "public art says 'the human spirit is alive here' "  bryan, thank you so much for bringing such creativity, connection, play, beauty, etc. to our local community ....   we need it.  count me in. xo, suz.

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