Monday, May 30, 2011

decoration day ...


my daddy 'o ....

.... he was always proud to serve our country,  along with all the past, present and future US servicemen and women.   honorable.   

vintage rubberstamp {now you know i have way too many rubberstamps}

remember and honor family.

preserving memories.  remembrance.  have a wonderful day.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

follow your dreams....

is it dreams ...  or destiny? {conversation to continue}
 love, love, love these old postcards.  have tons of them at grow for only a buck, while supply lasts.
have a dream-filled day.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the f word.

the f. word.   what comes to mind this day is "finder" .  i've always had a knack for finding things ...  it's like a quest, a treasure hunt and oh, the thrill when you find it, what-ever it may be, a lost item or something that just excites and inspires you,  like that serendipity feeling that's hard to describe.   it can even give you goose bumps when it happens.   what is it about the treasure hunt?   what if we looked at life like one big treasure hunt ....   what exciting thing/s are you going to find and discover today?   love. joy. happiness. peace. harmony.  a rusty old cow bell.     look the f. {find} word up, google it.  i did and here's what i found: 
 a. To bring (oneself) to an awareness of what one truly wishes to be and do in life.  {boy, how appropriate for today, again some serendipity served right up on my computer.}
 well, how this all started was i had a designer friend of mine ask me if i had an old cow bell for a project she was doing and no kidding the night before she came into the shop i had found this old rusty cow bell.  looked it up on ebay for the fun of it .... dang, $49.00.     all this over a cow bell.  life is interesting.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

all things rusty and sentimental.

i collect and love all things rusty  and fun and  usually put a little spin on sentimentality and meaning on the object or the " i could use this some day for art and/or a fun occasion" mentality.    ie:  the tric's {tricycles} below.  dug one out of my neighbors trash, who happens to be one of my best friends and i just adore her daughter and was thinking how could she do that {of course normal people would throw the thing away} it was beautiful and  it was maddy's tric. and it lived in my front yard for years and low and behold, maddy was having part of her birthday party at my house, so there was that one opportunity to have some fun with this sentimental art piece and i tied balloons on it and put in out my driveway so the girls walking to the party could see which house the party was at ...  then we brought it inside for the party, so cute.  THEN, years later, the neighbor across the street, another good friend, anni, asked if i wanted her son's tricycle and i love hoyt, hoyt loves maddy, i love being sentimental, i couldn't turn it down.  both trics have been living together in my front yard.  i'm planning for the future, just in case hoyt and maddy got married, how cute would that be to have their tric's at their outdoor wedding  {maybe a little  hitch here,  a bit of an age difference, oh well, sometimes it doesn't matter, we'll see .....   in the mean time, i'm keeping the tric's, i don't care what tammy and anni say}



Monday, May 2, 2011

joy the baker

if you don't know joy the baker, you need to.   she is doing a fun penpal thing and since fun mail has been in my blood since i received dr. seuss books in the mail and my grandmother would sew and knit the coolest barbie clothes and send them to me.  fun mail can make someone's day.    so check out her site:  

mail art ...  years ago

ceramic tags from vintage cookie cutters

bell pepper and greens from my garden years ago ... going through old photos.

i would send these through the mail too ...   but they happen to be a  kit i put together for an earth day workshop

earth day work shop @ my private studio { couple of earth day's ago}

mail art.

chinese food containers ... use those too for mailing

love getting real mail.  how about a mail art workshop???