Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy easter.

real bunny. {bunn-bunn and/or bunny, that's his name}  easter morning, eating a banana

fake bunny.   simon.

boy, that look on his face .... "i'm telling you, one more photo without a treat and you're in trouble" ...  he's a spoiled boy.
 have a joyful easter.  

Friday, April 22, 2011

earth day #2 {go. grow. green.}

double your pleasure, double your fun.  

forever green.   dedicated to my friend lynn ka. who's been all about being green since i can remember {3rd grade - many moons ago} i celebrate lynn on this day, it should be her birthday.

april in paris sweet peas {seeds from renee's}


ya, yay, a-hoo, yahoo,  oh boy .... i just figured out how to rotate my photos.  now, how 'bout a good camera and a few lessons and i'd really be a happy camper.   be green.  be happy.   

earth day.

art work by sandra saenz {altered book} love her work...

mixed GREENS @ GROW.    GROW a GARDEN.   think GREEN.    

Sunday, April 3, 2011


scatter art.

this is scattering joy alright ...  thank you kurt & tammy {and nancy & everyone!} another party @ grow.

how about ... scatter passion.  from morning home garden tour.

 plowers, as hoyt would say, from my garden.   going in recycled jars hanging on the front wall @ grow.   check it out, pretty cool.   scatter coolness.

scatter beauty.

flowers in their jars ....   thanks louise {reni, please thank your mom for me for all the jars}....  didn't use them for spices, oh well, one has to be creative.    rachel's baby jars are up there too.   memory lane.  i'm sentimental, maybe that's why i always loved to re-use, re-cycle, it makes it extra fun with a little meaning behind it....  scatter love. 

love these old books ...   fun again. scatter words.

thank goodness ....   a new color.  we are getting tired of the same ol' colored sweet peas.  scatter color.

scatter humor.   big nose daffodil {from $$ store bulbs}

succulent easter basket @ grow.  scatter funky.

two this morning. extra good luck.   scatter good luck.

scatter laughter.
scatter kindness.
scatter love.
ps:  scatter.... to sow by casting in all directions

Friday, April 1, 2011

spring has sprung ...

   "i'm coming out" ... i want the world to know ... got to let it show {love this song}.  ok, i've pretty much been a closet artist, embarrassed and scared to put myself out there, so what do i do ... open a gift studio/gallery and it made it even worse ....   creativity lives in every cell in my body ...  but am i ready to simply get over myself  and go for it?

work in process ...  for a bird/nest swap.

goodie bag ....  maybe for hand-out during the carlsbad 5000

birthday bouquet.  thank you, bro. terry

nest egg for nest swap.